Obec eyes getting more schools to cut class hours


The Office of the Basic Education Commission (Obec) is planning to extend the policy of reducing class hours for primary and junior-secondary students to another 15,000 schools this year, Obec secretary-general Karun Sakulpradit said yesterday. Many schoo

Obec officials have been told to survey these schools for results, Karun said, adding that these figures would help provide information on how many more schools will be ready to join the policy this year. He said he would send a memo inviting more schools to participate in this project. 
Schools that have done a good job applying Obec’s 300 recommended knowledge-boosting activities during the extra hour will be named model schools. The office will also hold a meeting on January 28 to study students’ quality and academic achievement to ease parents’ worries over shorter school hours having an impact on their children’s performance.