Strict traffic controls in place during Songkran


In a move to cut down on the number of road casualties during the Songkran period, the authorities will invoke the National Council for Peace and Order (NCPO)’s order to seize the licence and vehicle of traffic-law violators. One checkpoint will be set u

These measures were proposed by the Interior Ministry and approved by the Cabinet on Tuesday. The ministry’s campaign is divided into two phases: boosting public awareness on road safety from February 15 to April 17 (which may be extended to December 31) and “intensive control” from |April 11 to 17. 
The NCPO’s order number 46/2558 was first implemented during the New Year period and authorised the police and Army to seize the driving licence of traffic-law violators for up to 30 days, impound the vehicle for up to seven days and detain the violator for between seven and 15 days for “attitude adjustment”. 
Due to the severe drought affecting many parts of the country, the government has called on people to not indulge in water wars and control the use of water during Songkran. 
The Culture Ministry has advised people to remember the tradition of Songkran and use water moderately and respectfully, while the police is urging people to not douse people from trucks.