Sony Thai announces two new Xperia smartphones for release on April 27


Sony Thai has announced two new smartphones, the Sony Xperia XZs and Xperia XA1, for the high-end and midrange markets.


General manager Satoshi Mekata said Sony Thailand this year planned to offer smartphones ranging in price from Bt7,990 to more than Bt20,000. 
The Xperia XZs is a high-end phone featuring a Motion Eye camera, a memory-stacked Exmor RS sensor and other technologies usually found in a premium compact camera. The new phone will be available at Bt21,990 on April 27.
“The XZs is the new flagship premium smartphone, which is the first high-end smartphone produced [by] Sony Technology (Thailand). STT started to produce midrange smartphones last year with around 4,000 human resources located at [the company’s] Bangkadi centre,” Mekata said. 
He added that STT had gained support from the Board of Investment.
The Xperia XA1 is midrange smartphone that offers a 5-inch display with 23-megapixel resolution, a bright F2.0 lens and super-low-light capability. The price is Bt8,490 and it will also be available on April 27.
He said the company also planned to produce another new premium smartphone in Thailand for global distribution in the future.
Mekata said SST was focusing on midrange and high-end smartphones because these were still growth markets.