Allianz Ayudhya posts 20% agency channel growth


Allianz Ayudhya Assurance delivered another strong performance in the agency channel in the first quarter, with 20 per cent growth in the first-year premiums of Bt420 million.

The company is aiming to create an agency of the digital age and enhance the efficiency of the sales force and the customer experience. 
Virong Patanakumjorn, Chief Agency Officer, also vowed to move forward with key strategies to achieve first-year premiums of Bt2 billion through the agency channel by the end of the year and maintain its leadership in digital marketing and life- and health-protection insurance policies.
Virong said the company was aiming got “infinite growth” through three main approaches:
• Professional Agency: The company is focused on recruiting new agents with emphasis on quality, effectiveness and continuation to create a new team with unique personality, the Allianz Ayudhya style. 
This shall be accomplished through the company’s training process. The company’s Blue Star Academy is recruiting full-time agents from the next generation. It offers a plan for earning money during the first period of their career. There is also an upscaling programme called Step Up for agents who have a clear and disciplined goal to be more motivated to create more value to their jobs so they can advance alongside with the growth of the company.
• Digital Agency. “We encourage our agents to emphasise the use of digital tools for performance enhancement. In particular, we see increased use of the Allianz Discover application with its Expert Underwriting System,” Virong said. 
“The insurance policy can be approved at the point of sale from three business days to approximately five minutes for those with standard health and the payment completed. This tool has helped the customer to get quicker results and helps the agent work faster.” 
In addition, the Social Media for Sales programme is an innovation that Allianz Ayudhya was the first to use to help salespeople communicate and build relationships with their customers online. It is also a tool to help recruit new agents into the business. 
The pilot programme began in mid-2014 with only 22 salespeople taking part. Now, there are 1,375 salespeople involved.
• Health & Wealth Protection products. “We have products that meet every need of our customers,” Virong said. “Our agents can choose products to meet the needs of the customers for every rhythm of their lives. This has helped them offer sales effectively. 
“Recently we launched ‘My First Class @BDMS’ to underscore our leadership in life- and health-protection insurance products while expanding the customer base to cover a group with high purchasing power and to meet the demand for superior medical services covering all medical treatment. It also focuses on holistic health care for clients, where it will not play a role of an insurance company that just pays medical bills.”