As many as ‘100,000’ Thai labourers could be returning from South Korea


The number of Thai labourers returning from South Korea might reach 100,000 as some have been illegally working in that country, Deputy Permanent Secretary and Public Health Ministry spokesman Dr Opas Karnkawinpong said, requesting all Thais in South Korea to call hotline 1422 and enter self-quarantine for 14 days.

Opas said today (March 3) that the number of confirmed Covid-19 cases in Thailand have remained the same – 43 confirmed, 31 recoveries, 11 under medical care, and one death.
The Public Health Ministry cannot yet confirm the real number of labourers returning and have urgently asked the South Korean immigration office to send the list of names. Opas forecasts that the real number would be around 100,000.
“Even if they are illegal labourers, we still have to take care of them as they are Thais,” he said.
The Transport Ministry is keeping a close watch on the entry points the labourers use – by plane or boat – while the immigration office will check the history of their travel in and out of the country.
Meanwhile, the Labour Ministry said 5,248 workers have returned to Thailand between December 11, 2019, and March 1, 2020. February 24 to March 1 was the period when as many as 1,181 illegal workers volunteered to travel back.
When illegal Thai labourers return, they will be screened and considered as "patients under investigation" before being transferred to hospital if needed. If they are confirmed to have Covid-19, the ministry will also ask those who have been in close contact with them to take a test.
Those who have already come back, or neighbours of anyone who has returned from a high-risk area should call hotline 1422 to notify the Disease Control Department. The identity of these callers will remain secret.