‘Weak democracy has lowered Thailand’s competitiveness ranking’


Thailand’s falling economic competitiveness is due to a lack of democracy in the country, the main opposition party said on Thursday (June 18).

Pheu Thai spokesperson Anusorn Eamsaard made the claim after Thailand dropped four places in IMD’s global competitiveness rankings this week, from 25th to 29th. The main reasons for the drop were a decline in the scores for economic performance and government efficiency.
"This shows that the coalition government – which most political parties have joined – has caused the country's competitiveness, in terms of economic conditions, fiscal status, government performance, and ability to attract foreign investment, to drop sharply," said Anusorn.
He said the government should deliver a development plan in line with changing trends, and that to do so, democracy must be strengthened
"The government should also provide support for new entrepreneurs as well," he said. "If the 20-year national strategy does not work, the government must … change the strategy."
He added that if the government was too afraid to change, the country's competitiveness could drop further.