Economic impact of Covid-19 second wave less severe than in 2020: BOT


The Bank of Thailand (BOT) on Friday said that the impact on the economy from the second Covid-19 outbreak was milder than from the first outbreak at the beginning of 2020.


BOT senior director Chayawadee Chaianant said that the second outbreak was less severe compared to the first one, while medical preparations were better than before.


She added that government measures implemented at present were less stringent than in the last year, as a result exports were still expanding.


The BOT added that the red provinces were areas where the Covid-19 outbreak had hit the highest level. The impacted persons in the areas were mostly daily wage workers, whose working hours have been reduced from the new virus crisis.


To deal with the virus’ effects, Chayawadee said business operators and their workers must be helped at the earliest. Focus must be on people in the fragile group.