Bangkok earns 44 million baht from motorcyclists riding on pavements


Bangkok authorities have slapped a total of 44 million baht in fines on motorcyclists caught riding on footpaths in the city over the past three years, deputy Bangkok governor Sakolthi Pattiyakul said.

He added that violation of the 1992 Act on the Maintenance of the Cleanliness and Orderliness of the Country have continued despite fines of between 500 and 2,000 being slapped on them. Some of the violators have even faced a maximum fine of 5,000 baht.

“Some people complained the fines are too high, but I believe that strict enforcement of the law will force people to change their behaviour,” Sakolthi wrote in a Facebook post on Friday.

The deputy Bangkok governor said he noticed that some motorcyclists get off their bike and push it when they need to use the footpath.

He said the maximum 5,000 baht fine has been imposed on violators who attacked the enforcing officer, informer or pedestrian. These include a recent case in Sai Mai district where a motorcyclist hurt a pedestrian on the pavement, Sakolthi noted.