Intelligence is not prerequisite


A few days ago there was a letter by Mrs Beasley complaining that the Republican candidates for president were so stupid that they should have to show the results of their latest IQ tests.


I’m sure if they had such test results, they would have already been shredded!
What makes America the greatest country on Earth is that only in America can anyone – regardless of how stupid they are – grow up to become president. Even a moron such as Sarah Palin can get nominated for vice president, and if John McCain had been elected and then died in office, Sarah would have become president.
Ron Paul is by far the most intelligent candidate for president, which is why he has no chance of winning. I, myself, once thought of running. But because my IQ test showed I was only mildly retarded, my advisers told me I was way too intelligent to run. So I did the next best thing and made a career out of writing letters to the newspapers complaining about the people who are stupid enough to get elected president. And I’ve never looked back.
Eric Bahrt 