Are grains and yoghurt healthy?

FRIDAY, MAY 17, 2013

In the Sunday Nation of May 12 we read that nutritionist Tara Conrad will advise parents on healthy eating for children. Nutritionists, dieticians and sports trainers need to follow the "official" guidelines for "healthy eating", found in food groups and


Tara advises against fast food, but that is meaningless, since foods served “fast” might well contain health-giving animal protein and salads, as well as harmful sugar, grains, GMOs and high-fructose corn syrup.
Tara suggests cereals. Hopefully she does not refer to breakfast cereals, which contain grain, possible unlabelled GMOs, and up to 40 per cent sugar. Official food-group advice is to eat grains 5-6 times daily, but grains contain lectin plant phenols that desensitise cell membranes to insulin, causing insulin overproduction. Grains contain leptin plant hormones that interrupt signalling between the liver and pancreas, disrupting insulin production. These cause Type 2 diabetes and obesity. Patients with Diabetes 2 who adopted a zero-grain, zero-sugar diet (the Paleolithic diet) have kicked the disease in a month. The high carbs in grains cause obesity, and raise heart-disease-causing triglycerides. Grains are high in phytates that block mineral absorption. White flour products have been bleached with chlorine, whose residues deplete immune-boosting selenium in the body.
Tara suggests eating yoghurt with the cereal. But unless yoghurt is eaten immediately on awakening, when the stomach’s digestive acids are still neutral, the friendly bacteria in yoghurt will be digested and broken down and become ineffective.
None of this up-to-2013 information is “recognised” by nutritionists and dieticians. This simply means that, for robust, medication-free health for you and your children, you need to look beyond their skewed advice.
Thomas Turk