Bill for fully elected Senate blatantly undemocratic


First the Pheu Thai Party hurriedly pushed for a constitutional amendment that would give us a fully elected Senate. Then the red-shirt leaders mobilised mobs to pressure the Constitutional Court not to derail the bill or punish Pheu Thai.

These two sequential actions are clearly undemocratic. It is as clear as daylight that this amendment bill is unconstitutional. It is not even in line with democratic principles.
It is unconstitutional because it will allow political parties to have control over the Senate. This would leave us with two legislative houses in name only. In practice, the Upper House would be servant to the Lower House – not a check or balance against its power.
The power would fall totally into the hands of those who control the Lower House, who would be able to write laws to suit their own agenda rather than that of the country.
Vint Chavala