A black eye for the BBC bashers


Re: "BBC reporting at Phan Fah clash", Letters, February 21.

I was heartened to see BBC correspondent Andrew Head’s response to the unwarranted criticism of his reporting of the Phan Fah Bridge incident by A Johnsen. Mr Head’s account of the information contained in his reports is exactly what attentive viewers will have seen and heard.
There is a group of people who, for reasons best known to themselves, seem to harbour a deep resentment of the BBC, and are ever ready to share this resentment with a wider public whenever they detect what they deem to be unprofessional or biased reporting. In reality, as Mr Head’s letter illustrates, the BBC does its best to provide accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date reports on current events, often under difficult and dangerous conditions.
Thank you, Mr Head and your colleagues at the BBC, for keeping us so well informed. I will continue to have confidence in your reporting.
Robin Grant