Shame and silence: the cornerstones of our rape culture


All victims of rape should report the crime. The reporting process should be as hassle-free and as brief as possible, overseen by women officers, not men. I'd like to suggest that there be no societal repercussions (shunning by communities or marriage sui

If rape victims report and follow up, then rapists are more apt to be found, convicted and put away for many years in prison. If victims don’t report, then rapists will keep raping. It’s as simple as that. If a monk hears about a rape, he is duty bound to report it to authorities. Same for a business exec or military brass or a common citizen. In other words, anyone who knows about a rape is duty-bound to report it. Anyone who snuffs a report, or discourages a rape victim from reporting, is an accomplice to the crime.  
Additionally, cops and courts are duty-bound to follow up on cases to the full extent of the law, even if the victim drops the matter.  Anything less is coddling the rapist and enabling him to continue to rape.
Ken Albertsen
Chiang Rai