Farang do need to give it a rest

FRIDAY, JULY 17, 2015

I have been thinking about the fact that some Thais are sensitive about letters being submitted by foreigners (including myself), lately criticising the government, and I think maybe they are right.

They already know the things we are saying and there is little they can do about it. In retrospect, it seems unfair to continually harp on it. All we are accomplishing is to irritate, embarrass and antagonise the people that derive their income from Thailand. So we must be judicious about the things we say. Further, there is nothing accomplished by harping on because the powers-that-be could care less what we say. I swore off commenting on the Thai government once already and eventually fell off the wagon, but at this point I think it has all been said before, and all we are doing is nagging the people that, unlike us, have to deal with governmental policy.
I am still not happy about the attitude that educated and affluent Thais have toward the poor and uneducated, but I have already said so previously, so it is time to put it to rest. I sincerely hope that many farang will agree with me and give the situation a long-deserved hiatus.
I have been contributing letters for 17 years and have always been treated fairly by Thai contributors. Lately, though, there seems to be an ever-increasing volume of “Yankee go home” letters, and there must be a reason for it.
John Arnone