Trafficking: Don't be fooled by America's Hollywood treatment

TUESDAY, JULY 28, 2015

We are repeatedly assailed with anecdotal stories about horrible crimes that come under the name "trafficking" - a new name given to what are in fact already-existing crimes. Herein lies the problem for many of us who watch this issue. Last year many "fac

A key element of TIP compliance is that countries around the world prosecute and severely punish traffickers. Thailand should not forget that the United States has more people in prisons than any other country in the world. What would be regarded as minor crimes in other countries result in long prison terms in America, especially for minorities and lower classes. This issue is currently a huge political controversy in America.  
By having other countries prosecute traffickers as America wishes, the American criminal justice culture is being exported around the world. That might not be what Thailand wants.         
Trafficking is primarily a migration/population issue. Most of those being trafficked aren’t victims, as such. They are desperately seeking opportunities to better their lives not available at home. Until we begin to address trafficking according to this reality, we are delaying truly viable solutions.  
John Kane