‘Partnerships’ to foster totalitarian control


It is interesting that Thai farmers are the only people who are expressing concern with the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).


Like its sister partnership, the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), the intentions are sinister. Having examined the thousands of pages in these agreements, experts report that only a few pages refer to fair trade and that overall the documents are devoted to political and corporate control. An example cited is that of the National Health Service in the UK. The TTIP would make it possible for this treasured national institution to be bought and privatised by an American corporation, denying the people the right to free healthcare for which they have paid for decades.
Both the TPP and the TTIP are being promoted by globalists. They are opposed to small enterprise and are in fact intent on the destruction of nation states. Their ultimate goal is one world government: totalitarian control of the planet. Thai farmers are very right to be concerned for their future. They do not register in the intended grand scheme of big government and multinational corporations.
These so-called “partnerships” are nothing more than an intermediate step towards a New World Order run on Communist lines. The individual will become irrelevant and the sovereign state obliterated together with democracy as a form of government.
The European Union, EU, is a living example of this. It started as a free-trade area, the European Economic Community and has now become a left-wing federal Europe, the EUSSR, controlled by faceless, unelected bureaucrats, the EU Commission.
Uncontrolled migration through open borders, political correctness (a communist legacy), dumbing down education, and spurious free-trade areas are all globalist tactics to create a submissive society with a loss of identity and culture. The globalists all have ambitions of sitting at the top politburo table.
At least the Thai farmers, like Donald Trump and the British voting to leave the EU, are alarmed even though apathy reins elsewhere.
JC Wilcox