TUESDAY, April 23, 2024

Eyes can look younger with a double eyelid enhancement

Eyes can look younger with a double eyelid enhancement

Some elements of beauty appear to be universal. Large eyes with double eyelids, for instance, are considered a mark of youthfulness and femininity.

 Some elements of beauty appear to be universal. Large eyes with double eyelids, for instance, are considered a mark of youthfulness and femininity. Unfortunately, women lose skin elasticity as they grow older and excess skin develops leading to droopy eyelids. These droopy eyelids make the eyes appear smaller and the natural crease of the lid becomes less defined.
And that little crease makes a huge difference! Most Asian women believe that the double eyelid gives the eye a more beautiful appearance and use a thin strip of tape or sticker to enhance their double eyelids and give the eyes an open look.
However, there will come a time when the trick looks unnatural or no longer works at all.
What do you then?
The drooping eyelid can be fixed with surgery known as blepharoplasty. For some women, the surgery is extreme. They want a procedure with less downtime and less of a dramatic result.
In response to this demand, Professor Giorgio Fippi, president of the Italian Society for Aesthetic Medicine, has developed an innovative device that uses plasma. This plasma treatment is the latest technology in blepharoplasty and non-invasive double eyelid surgery.
The device, which has received CE approval, works through the non-ablative process of sublimation. Plasma is formed through the ionisation of atmospheric gas, which works to coagulate the surface of the skin causing tightening of skin fibre and new collagen production. This results in the reduction of the excess skin on the upper eyelid and the improvement in the eye appearance. |The procedure usually takes approximately 30 minutes, depending on the area being treated and the severity of each case. Once treated, the skin will develop a crust-like protective layer, which will fall off within five to seven days post procedure. The new skin will be smooth, firm, pinkish and develop to match the natural skin colour within a month.
For double eyelid correction, three to four sessions may be required, and these are performed at intervals of six to eight weeks. Studies into the efficacy of plasma technology for enhancing double eyelid have been conducted with positive results.
Surgical blepharoplasty is still the “gold standard” for people seeking dramatic and impressive results but plasma technology is a good non-surgical option for |others who want a gradual, |scar-less correction without the risks of surgery.

THANISORN THAMLIKITKUL MD| is a member of the American Society of Cosmetic Dermatology and Aesthetic Surgery and |certified in dermatological laser surgery. Send your questions |for her to [email protected]
