Are health bosses aware of adverse reactions to HPV?


There has been shocking news that Thai health authorities plan HPV vaccination for 11-year-old girls.

Japan has reported around 2,000 side effects from using the Gardasil cervical cancer vaccine. Its government withdrew Gardasil from the market in 2013. Hundreds of the reactions were serious, according to Judicial Watch, the Washington-based corruption watchdog that has been monitoring the effects.
A member of the European Parliament called for a ban on HPV vaccine in November 2013 on grounds that it was an “unnecessary and dangerous vaccine”. A lawsuit was filed against the vaccine company Pasteur and the director of the French medical authority by M Bourguignon, a French student. 
Her Gardasil vaccine triggered very serious adverse effects in her central nervous system. Other victims suffering from auto-immune diseases after receiving the HPV vaccine have come forth to tell tragic stories of their afflictions.
There’s much more if one digs. It appears that the Thai “health” authorities are either unaware of this or are simply ignoring it, for whatever reason.
Thomas Turk