US election complaints 


Thomas Turk (letters, Nov 19) claims that millions of illegal aliens and dead people voted for Hillary Clinton. His source is Greg Phillips, Voter

In fairness to Turk I looked up Mr Phillips and found he did not provide one shred of evidence to back up his wild claim and refused to release his “evidence” to the media.
Meanwhile, a Loyola law school professor found that of the last one billion votes that have been cast in recent US presidential elections there were only 31 cases of voter impersonation.
As for John Arnone’s equally ridiculous letter (Nov 20), the reason I didn’t mention that Hillary Clinton did particularly well in New York and California is because it’s totally irrelevant. Since New York and California are part of America the votes of those who live there should count just as much as the Ku Klux Klanners in the battleground state of North Carolina who voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Finally, Clara Holzer writes (Letters, Nov 20) that I should accept the election results. Did she forget that Trump strongly hinted he would not accept the results if he lost? Worse, some of his supporters threatened violence if Trump didn’t win. So I hope Ms Holzer and Mr Arnone can forgive me if I don’t want to kiss and make up.
Eric Bahrt