NFL bosses could put their braincells to better use


I see from TV that officials in the NFL (National “Football” League) are looking for ways to reduce concussion injuries by using technical innovation for helmet design.

I use the word “football” loosely as hands are used far more than feet in this game. Are the officials so blinkered that they cannot understand the prime reason for concussion injuries is the simple fact that any kind of helmet is worn and players use them like battering rams? Perhaps they should consider why there are so few concussions in rugby, sevens, Aussie Rules and soccer, all of which require considerably more skill to play than “football”. Take away the helmets and players will soon learn how to avoid head injuries. And while they are at it take away all the body armour the wimpy players feel they need to stop them getting a few bruises from their opponents or teammates. Perhaps it is the weight of all the armour that tires the players and why they need to pause and stop the clock every few minutes. Oh, and one other comment: how did the term “touchdown” become part of the vocabulary of this game? All the players need to score is run across the goal line with the ball. Where are the exciting flying touchdowns one sees in the game real men play?
Chris Kaye