Putin is not the devil or Trump’s master


Re: “Dear upset Americans, here are my words of sympathy”, Stoppage Time, Opinion, January 4.

I must object to the headline, because it’s obvious that millions of Americans are rejoicing, rather than the opposite, as Tulsathit Taptim seems to imply. Maybe it should read “dear upset libertarians”, “dear upset globalists”, “dear upset hawks”, or “dear upset Russian haters”, but please do not insult the millions who have voted for a change to a warmongering, profligate government. President-elect Donald Trump has not yet been sworn in and you dismiss him like he is unworthy. President Putin, unlike Obama, is not involved in wars of aggression around the world, he is well liked by his fellow Russians and you demonise him like he is a devil in disguise and Donald Trump’s puppet master without a shred of evidence.
Clara Holzer