Should we ban kids from playing electronic games?   

FRIDAY, JUNE 02, 2017

Re: “Doctors’ strict parenting advice on Facebook causes a ruckus”, The Nation, June 1.

Family physician Ittirit Chulalaksiriboon said: “You have to completely stop children from playing around with electronic games. Children will only become addicted to them. Impulse control, brain development, stress relief are all fake excuses to let children play games. No doctor has ever endorsed those claims.” 
Agree 100 per cent. They also will lack in social skills. Most of us have run across student-age kids who don’t look at or talk to each other. They’re in an electronic bubble.
Here we go again, old farts commenting on new technology.
Right now sitting next to me is a 4-year-old girl playing games on a tablet. Games that she downloaded herself, installed herself and taught herself how to play. She also taught herself how to operate the tablet. It’s a useful thing that she will be using in school and later in work. But I guess you would like to see her running naked on the street and playing with sticks and rocks – because technology is bad for children... 
This argument is pointless and recurring: 200 years ago old farts were scared of steam machines, 100 years ago by electricity, now by phones, computers and tablets.
howard ashoul
It’s all about getting the right balance when raising kids.
The use of the latest technology is included in that balance,
but just as importantly is outdoor activities and academic study.
I do agree that gaming does become addictive to kids that are allowed to overindulge, that’s why a balance should be set in order of priority by the parents.