Good old new times with Rose and Chart

MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2017

Sirinthip “Rose” Hanpradit and Suchart “Chart” Saeheng cast a spell of enchantment over the Scala Theatre for the recent sold-out “Guitar Duet” concert, part of the “Cover Night Plus” series sponsored by Greenwave 106.5FM.

Suchanan “Mook” Mahaphromwan, May Phuntira and Jirayu “Benz” Juntarawong – three members of Khom Khor, which did well on the television singing contest “Stage Fighter” – opened the show with “Ying Mai Roo Ying Tong Tham”, “Arai Kor Yom” and “Kerd Ma Khae Rak Kan”.
Mook, the “Stage Fighter” champ, displayed a powerful voice on “Tong Laew Chai Mai” from the soundtrack of TV series “Lakorn Khon”.
The ladies turned the stage over to Rose and Chart, armed with acoustic guitars to play and sing the moving tunes “Mak Kwa Rak” and “Karn Dern Thang”.
The duo took the audience on a trip back into the past with the covers of long-ago hits such as “Tua Jing Khong Ther”, “Song Jai”, “Phrung Nee Mai Sai” and “Lao Soo Kan Fang”. 
The fans were totally involved, happily singing along to every fond memory.