Spend on lingerie and save a life


ICC International Plc, distributor of Wacoal lingerie products, is campaigning to raise awareness of the danger of breast cancer among Thai women and encourage them to receive regular breast cancer screening to increase the chances of being cured if the disease is detected.

The company has teamed up with the National Cancer Institute (NCI), regional cancer hospitals under the Department of Medical Services and the Bangkok Hospital Group in continuing the “Wacoal cares for your breasts. Mammogram saves your life.” campaign, offering VIP cards for free mammogram and ultrasound examination for the eighth consecutive year.
The campaign is part of the Wacoal Pink Ribbon breast cancer awareness campaign that has continued for 17 years to help keep Thai women safe from the disease.
Breast cancer is the most common cancer found in Thai women, Wacoal Pink Ribbon aims to make women realise the importance of regular breast self-exams as well as receiving mammogram and ultrasound exams which are considered the most effective way to screen for breast cancer to date because they can detect breast cancer as small as two millimetres in diameter, an early stage with no noticeable symptoms. Women aged 35 years and older should undergo such screenings every year. If they have a family history of breast cancer or immediate family affected by the disease, they should receive screenings every year from the age of 30 onwards.
 Wacoal now offers VIP mammogram and ultrasound examination cards to His & Her card members who purchase Wacoal lingerie products worth a combined total of Bt12,000 between July 1 and October 31. The special privilege in this year’s campaign is that the customers can choose to receive the examinations themselves or pass on the card to their loved one for use, or donate the card to the underprivileged people as part of the NCI’s Charity Mammogram activity.
The VIP card holders can receive breast cancer screening until December 31, 2017 at 28 participating medical institutions, including the National Cancer Institute, regional cancer hospitals, Bangkok Hospitals (except Bangkok Hospital Samui, Bangkok Hospital Surat and Bangkok Muangraj Hospital) and Samitivej Hospitals (except Samitivej Sukhumvit Hospital).
For more information, call (02) 296 9979.