Free movement of people a looming disaster for Asean 


Re: “Europe offers Asean a lesson in the dangers of open borders”, Have Your Say, October 18.

Agnes Lee’s useful warning about open borders was a tad restrained, so please allow me to finish the job.
Open borders for trade is one thing, but opening borders for people is quite another and is irrelevant to trade. As part of its effort to federalise Europe and destroy individual nation states, the EU’s Schengen agreement demands unimpeded movement of people across borders. The outcome is that economically weaker countries such as Lithuania and Poland have lost their best and brightest to the richer countries such as UK and Germany, and thus find themselves impoverished. Their populations are dropping while those of the richer EU nations are soaring.
Then of course there is the security problem. Open internal borders have exacerbated the EU’s criminally insane refusal to secure its external border against the invasion of young, uneducated males from Africa and the Middle East, which has led to the skyrocketing crime that Agnes Lee touches upon, and the concomitant no-go zones, mass rapes, bombings, social breakdown and cultural genocide. The Schengen free movement principle is in tatters, many countries have reinstated border controls, and even Germany stated last Thursday that it is extending controls for another six months.
The “Visegrad Four” – Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia – have learnt the lesson. They refuse to allow their countries to suffer the same fate as those in western Europe, and this week’s good news is that Austria might join them in standing up to the unelected New World Order-ist bullies who control the EU.
Free trade, yes; free movement, no; political union, absolutely no-no. Let us hope Asean heeds the lesson.
Nigel Pike
Phang Nga