WHO slammed for naming Mugabe goodwill ambassador


What the hell is the UN thinking?

It is stupid decisions like this that undermine all the good work and effort built up over the decades. In this modern age of rapid transportation, the need for an effective global organisation focusing on health issues and international disease control  is more important that it has ever been. And appointing Mugabe as a “Goodwill Ambassador” simply brings scorn and ridicule to the effort.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
Samui Bodoh
It completes the Grand Slam for the UN. First they chose the Saudis to speak for women’s rights, then they hounded and vilified poor Aung San Suu Kyi, and now this. Big Bob as Goodwill Envoy. Well, UN, nice knowing you, and will the last one out, please turn off the lights.
With Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot dead, I suppose Mugabe was their next best choice .
The UN... waste of time, pompous, bloated, archaic and mostly irrelevant to today’s real needs of the emerging new worlds, not to mention it's blindness and biases policies to favour this or that group of nations and entities.
Up there with the idiots who gave the Nobel peace prize to Obama.
Goodwill ambassador! Bit late in the year for an April Fools joke. 
If the UN had any credibility in your mind ,this news has just destroyed it ... This human trash destroyed his country’s health service and he has now accepted to be the UN health ambassador. He and his family travel overseas, mostly Asia, for medical treatment.
alf haupt