Is Zuckerberg dodging tax net?


Re: “Zuckerberg would be wise to stay away from Thailand”, Have Your Say, October 21.

I can think of another wise reason why Zuckerberg should stay away – tax liability.
During the course of Zuckerberg’s regular business as personal data thief, propagator of fake news, global censor and police informant to the EU, he has proven a master of tax avoidance on his colossal income of US$27 billion a year. In 2016, the US Internal Revenue Service investigated Facebook for underpayment of $5 billion, and the UK press reported that Facebook had paid a derisory 4,327 pounds on its UK operations in the previous year; that’s less than Bt200,000 in real money.
With all the business emanating from Facebook’s 46 million users in Thailand, one has to ask the question – is the Revenue Department on the plot?
Nigel Pike
Phan Nga