Trump throwing sand in our faces with release of JFK files


The Trump “administration” is going on the offensive, with offensive being the operative word, as per usual. 

The objectives amount to a formulaic ham-fisted attempt to divert attention away from this “presidency” and the day-by-day snafus that are dividing US society and dragging the country’s good name through the mud in Trump’s first annus terribilis.
The so-called “action” to address the opioid catastrophe is little more than 
gesture politics; a superficial measure 
that fails to offer the necessary financial initiatives to deal with the problems 
effectively at state level, and as such will not make one iota of difference. 
It is now clear that Trump has not grasped what this issue is really all about. He thinks building a wall will stop the flow of drugs into the US. “Just say no”? Good grief.
We also now have the alleged Democrat “Russiagate” that Trump has seized on, a snippet of “true” news as the man doubtless calls it, now that it suits. 
By releasing “some” of the anodyne JFK assassination files, he creates a thrill of pointless anticipation; pointless because the more important files are being withheld from public scrutiny, for “national security” reasons.
I can imagine that there is the usual very small group of addle-brained, Trumpian Grimer Wormtongues and their aliases who will be in a near-climactic state of delicious excitement with these nondescript revelations. 
Watch what you buy into, fellows; caveat emptor.
Dr Frank