Pike dreams unrealistic fantasies of pure monocultural UK 


Re: “Any solutions to the ‘wave of migrant rapists’ sweeping Europe?”, Have Your Say, November 7.

Simon Ordsall has perfectly legitimate comments to make about the emotive message that Nigel Pike laid before the readers of this publication on November 6 (“Need to crack down on rape epidemic of immigrants”) alongside his widely discredited confederate, the other part of this space-cadet axis, JC Wilcox. Calling Ordsall’s thoughts “nitpicking” trivialises the seriousness of the issues under deliberation. This sets the tone for Pike’s entire offering on Thursday. It isn’t a game, and it isn’t a trivial matter, so cut him some slack.
Using inflammatory rhetoric, he also tells us on Thursday that he “didn’t mention rape” when he emphatically says “daily ‘migrant’ rapes”; “45,100 rapes”; and a rape “epidemic” (his word) on November 6, which is either nakedly disingenuous or selective amnesia. He must know the impact this kind of language has on ordinary people, and please, please don’t insult the readership by saying your words were being “taken out of context”.
Pike dreams hopelessly unrealistic fantasies of a pure, monocultural United Kingdom that have no basis in reality. Look at the world as it is, and not in terms of what one would wish for. It ain’t gonna happen, matey.
Conveniently pontificating about the problems under discussion, then passing the parcel to others for answers, is easy when you have no authority. I could go on about Pike’s other evasions, but they don’t merit intelligent consideration.
Dr Frank