We should be asking the same question as Toon 


Just before shutting down my computer for an early night, Toon Bodyslam’s epic charity run flitted through my mind.

Inspired and seeking something that fitted the occasion, I began to type words into Google. Although unsure of the text, I typed “JFK Ask not…”. In a split second the response arrived in the form of a YouTube video. I clicked play and President John F Kennedy began delivering the words from his legendary speech of 1961:
“And so, my fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” 
That speech took place 18 years before the Bodyslam frontman was born. Now, 56 years later, I realised that the spirit behind JFK’s words was being brought to life by Toon in his run across the country. 
 Some observers are suggesting that funding vital services such as hospitals should be the responsibility of the government rather individuals, but Toon has sidestepped the debate and taken action where it is needed. In doing so he has also provided much-needed inspiration and unity for the whole nation. Keep running, Toon – for the country.
Dirk Sumter