Fewer letters and more cartoons, please


The Nation is a well-presented professional newspaper with many interesting articles and opinions.

However the Have Your Say section leaves much to be desired. Are you so bereft of real letters that you have to publish letters almost every day from Eric Bahrt, Dr Frank and the likes? I would think that your readers are more mature than to accept a continuous diet of diatribes written by these so-called experts on everything. The fact that they use your newspaper to criticise and insult each other is demeaning.
Eric Bahrt in particular seems to be a real Mr Know-it-all, and he even recently severely criticised his Thai hosts by calling them names that I will not reprint.
I assume that the writers are old retirees with nothing else to do but sit at their computers and produce verbal garbage that the majority of your readers are no longer interested in. In fact I now look at the writer’s name first and ignore the letter if it comes from one of these habitual contributors.
Please take more time to review the letters you receive, and print only those that are of general interest. If it is the case that you do not receive many letters, then reduce the size of Have Your Say and give us more cartoons.
Hamish Watters