Trump vilified for tweeting inconvenient truth about UK


Re: “Trump’s ‘hateful’ tweet slammed by British PM”, “Trump retweets hate”, The Nation, December 1 and 2.

The headlines give the game away – fake news, distortion, and lying by omission, courtesy of the mainstream media.  The underlying narrative, Islamist atrocities, is completely lost in a deluge of Trumpophobic liberal-fascist hyperbole. How pathetic is that?
So when we publish, retweet or “share” news about a crime (in this case, one of the “Britain First” videos Trump retweeted was of a murder) we are guilty of a “hate crime”, are we? That makes millions of the world’s sharing and tweeting population guilty of “hate” and heavens above – what a hateful organ The Nation must be to publish all those stories about ’orrible murder and mayhem in Thailand – it obviously hates Thai people.
Let’s get real. Trump exposed an inconvenient truth which in a saner world would have stimulated a grown-up, much-needed debate about Islamist abominations in Europe. What about the bombings, the vehicle ram-raids, the thousands of abused white girls, the unprosecuted cases of female genital mutilation taking place every hour, the sign pasted on a wall in a Birmingham no-go zone saying “No whites after 8pm”? But no. The focus is Trump’s “hateful” tweet, a classic example of the upside-down New World Order, where monstrous social problems caused by governmental incompetence and wilful intention cause public outcry, but where it’s the outcry that’s punished, and the source problems are allowed to fester.
As for Britain First – it is a patriotic loyalist party that seeks to halt immigration, ban Islam in the UK, defend Christianity, restore law and order and deport foreign criminals. Like the English Defence League, Front Nationale, AfD, Pegida et al, it suffers slander, persecution and vilification for trying to uphold Europe’s Judaeo-Christian traditions and taking a stand against creeping Islamisation. Its mission statement concludes: “We will make Britain a beautiful country once again where you can leave your door unlocked and your children can play in the streets.” I think we can all agree that such a dangerous view has no place in our culturally enriched paradise of bombings, gang rapes, acid attacks and no-go zones... can’t we? London’s Muslim mayor, Sadiq Khan, certainly can.  Adopting the standard liberal-fascist rhetoric, he calls Britain First “a vile hate-fuelled organisation whose views should be condemned”.
Trump should be commended, not hated, for his tweet and for his subsequent brusque response to prime minister Theresa May’s shameful outburst: “Don’t focus on me, focus on the destructive radical Islamic terrorism that is taking place in the UK,” he said. Thank you, Donald. As George Orwell observed, “The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.”
Nigel Pike