Fire and Fury’ gives accurate picture of the Trump disaster 


Re: “Another pathetic Trump bashing”, Have Your Say, January 8.

What a hilarious letter by Nigel Pike, who criticises Michael Wolff’s book “Fire and Fury” in anticipation that others would cite it to show what a disaster the pathological liar is for the US and the world. As Pike had not had the opportunity to read the book, his only source for criticism is the lunatic Trump himself, who, of course, damns the portrait painted of his administration in the book.
Pike’s pathetic defence of the egomaniac was sufficiently debunked by Susan Froetschel in her article yesterday in The Nation (“Review of Fire and Fury: The International Implications”). It constantly astonishes me that people like Pike can be so blind to all the evidence of the last two years showing Trump to be a disaster. His character flaws are well documented, as are his policies that show a complete lack of understanding of the realities they attempt to address – the disastrous results of which I have pointed out in previous letters. Moreover the facts and quotes in the book have been verified by many sources. Against this multitude of confirmed evidence, the one or two mistakes found among its pages certainly do not qualify the book as garbage.
Eric Bahrt gets the prize for best remark of the month when he mused that if God told Pike that the book gave a true picture of the lunatic in the White House, Pike would accuse God of being “on the payroll of Clinton”.