Real scandal is normalisation of Trump’s mental state


It should be fairly clear by now, if it wasn’t a year ago, that Trump is a self-regarding fool, getting his rocks off on bombast and empty-headed braggadocio. If he’s a “genius”, I am master of the universe and omniscient to the -nth degree.

The Wolff exposé, we know, is merely the latest episode of a story reaching operatic levels of absurdity. The curious thing though is that Trump’s Manichean personality is now widely accepted by the gullible, and, at least in some circles, passed off as “normal”.
Of course Wolff’s tome was very quickly smeared by Trump and his addled myrmidons, pretty much in the manner of other criticisms directed at this incompetent and fractured administration.
More disturbingly, the acknowledged world authority on psychiatry and widely published academic, Bandy X Lee, paints a disturbing picture of a “president” with a predilection for dangerous outbursts – notably his transparent aggression, recklessness, paranoia, lack of grip on reality, and demonstrably non-existent understanding of consequences and empathy. Normally, we might dismiss this as typical Trumpian posturing, counter-pointed by ersatz articulation and having a bigger nuclear knob than his fellow nutter, Kim Jong-un in Pyongyang.
Those anilingual Trump sycophants who dump their tripe on this page are no better; defending the indefensible is not a crime per se, but it does find itself at the apex of the purely obtuse.
Dr Frank