Christianity evolved, Islam stayed stuck in Dark Ages


Re: “Extremism infects every religion, so why focus on Muslims?”, Have Your Say, February 22.

Eric Bahrt is in his element when attacking Christianity and Israel. The venom and hatred he spews against the former is actually scary, especially the extremes he will go to place Christianity in a bad light. He cites the Bible’s injunction for Christian men to kill any wife not found to be a virgin upon marriage. This is laughable: Even in my Sunday School days we were taught that the Old Testament and the New Testament were two distinct chapters in the Christian faith. Bahrt cannot find fault with modern Christianity, which is a religion of love, so he digs into the Dark Ages! 
He has no problem, however, defending the indefensible – Muslim militants. I cannot find one instance in modern times where a Christian has murdered his wife-to-be. If such an instance has occurred, that man is no Christian. 
Meanwhile between 5,000 and 7,000 people have been murdered since 2004 in the Muslim-majority South of Thailand. 
Alf Haupt
Chon Buri