Let’s start by asking who pulled the triggers and who died

FRIDAY, APRIL 06, 2018

The alter ego “Alf Haupt”, a High Kommissariat apparatchik of the pan-global Ministry of Truth, blithely informs us that the real problem with the biggest running sore in the Middle East rests not with the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), but the Palestinians, particularly Hamas, themselves.

We note this obscene confection comes in the wake of the avoidable deaths of protesting Palestinians, subjected to live fire used solely by one side – the IDF. 
The ongoing issues with this conundrum (to put it lightly) have been well documented elsewhere, and, unlike the above contributor, supported by expert analysis that is often leavened with wisdom, intelligence and hard-earned empirical experience.
Now, “Haupt” uses his cynical ordure to make a gratuitous attack on Eric Bahrt; it is well known that Eric and I have crossed swords a time or two on other matters, but to be fair he is absolutely bang on the button when it comes to this tragically vexed matter. He writes with moral authority on this issue and, unlike “Haupt”, knows what he is talking about. That is the bona fide truth, and no amount of Orwellian duckspeak from “Alf Haupt” deflects from this immutable fact.
Dr Frank