Atrocities in Myanmar laid bare

THURSDAY, MAY 10, 2018

Even if you don’t care about the Rohingya, please seek out on YouTube the episode titled “Myanmar's Killing Field” from the American television network PBS series “Frontline”.

It is the most powerful documentary I have ever seen, by far. It’s astonishing that it was shown on primetime television in the US. Ordinary viewers must have been in shock. 
It documents the mass killings of babies, hacked to pieces or burned alive, mass rapes of underage girls, followed by execution by shots to the head or locking them in burning buildings.
To all the Tatmadaw and police rapist-murderers, to Aung San Suu Kyi, and to all the ordinary Burmans and others who support them: Congratulations, you have outdone yourselves.
A hundred years from now – 1,000 years from now – the world will remember Myanmar for what it has done.
R Watson