The real reason Donald called off his date with Kim

FRIDAY, MAY 25, 2018

You see what happens when hubristic humans violate natural law.  Natural law, which I presume even A Bangkok Atheist believes in, ordained that the late lamented Trump-Kim summit should be held in Bangkok, the Centre of the Known Universe for partygoers and shoppers.

In flagrant violation of this universal norm, flawed humans brazenly moved the site to sterile Singabore, thus exciting the wrath of the Thai thewadaas.
This at any rate is the theory of my good friend Ye Olde Theologian, who is skilled at giving a theological spin to the most mundane events. Theo, as we call him, is convinced that the thewadaas were so angered by this presumptuous act that they pulled the plug on the whole thing. He has not made this theory public because he fears the misapplication of any anti-blasphemy laws that may be in vogue. But he has confided his suspicions to me, and I am publicising them because I am less of a wimp and enjoy superior testicularity.
My personal theory is that the thewadaas have nothing to do with it. The Trumpadoodle’s advisers probably advised him to cancel because they knew he was unprepared. He has such an aversion to details that it was only recently that he learned that North Korea is called North Korea because it is north of South Korea. Not a good record for a man who might have to negotiate nuclear throw-weights or modified troop deployments.  
If he ever gets up to speed on the issues, maybe the summit can yet take place. And next time let’s be smart and have it in Bangkok.
Horace Beasley