Mother cows robbed of offspring


Re: “Why rob world of yoghurt?” Have Your Say, August 6. 

Robin Grant, you may be unwilling to acknowledge the fact that you are breastfeeding from a cow when you drink her mammary secretions – but you are. And the fact that humans have been breastfeeding from cows for centuries doesn’t make this practice any less bizarre. And we certainly can’t justify brutally killing millions of newborn calves simply because their baby food tastes “delicious”.  
Not only does the abhorrent dairy industry kill babies, it also subjects mothers to the very worst pain. A grieving mother orca, who has been carrying her dead baby for more than 10 days, has been in the news lately. Well, mother cows grieve for their babies too. Some call to them for days and nights on end and some stop eating and drinking. Some search feverishly and some withdraw in silent grief. Many refuse to give up and will return to the spot where they last saw them, again and again. Concerning the orca, one person wrote online, “My heart is aching and I am powerless to help.” Clearly we can do nothing to alleviate the anguish of the mother orca, but we can all help alleviate the anguish of the mother cow simply by refusing to buy dairy products.
Jenny Moxham
South Australia