Trump on course, admirers multiplying


Re: “Trump’s boldness earns him fans”, Have Your Say, August 24.

Since becoming president, Donald Trump is doing what most democratically elected Western leaders balk at doing. First, he is complying with the wishes of his voters. 
Second, he is ticking off the items in his election manifesto. And third, he is implementing existing American policies that caused previous limp-wrist presidents to cough loudly and look the other way.  
Right now, China’s Xi Jinping is the most dangerous and tyrannical megalomaniac on the face of the planet and Trump is just the man to take him on. 
So what if Trump bonked a few Playboy girls and beauty queens in the past? What has that got to do with defending Western civilisation? It simply proves he’s got the guts to do the job he was elected to do.
Somsak Pola says he is considering changing his political stance to join Alf Haupt, HHB, Michael Setter and I. Welcome to the fold, Somsak! With Trump’s approval rating at 44 per cent in the RealClear poll and 0 per cent in The Nation’s mainstream-media articles, let’s at least have a balance of opinion here at Have Your Say.
Nigel Pike