The everyday wisdom of turning the other cheek 


Re: “View from the bottom”, Have Your Say, August 23.  

I fail to find any humour in A Bangkok Atheist’s declaration that nowadays “turning the other cheek” is only observed on stripper stages.
Ya, right! When monks or worshippers at temples do their best to peacefully avoid barking dogs instead of confronting them, is this not turning the other cheek?
Or how about when a drunk man comes at you, cursing and challenging you to a fight, and you do not oblige?
What about when people give a sly “ahem” or cough whenever someone they do not like walks past, and the individual in question says nothing?
I could go on and on here. While it may be true that the writer’s inner circle of friends do not turn the other cheek, the bottom line is that the majority of people do just that in some shape or form on an almost daily basis.  
Khon Kaen