The institutional corruption of UK’s armed forces


All hope is gone for patriotic Britons. Any prospect of a military coup to oust the Stalinist Lib/Lab/Con regime that’s wrecking the UK, and thus restore sanity and common sense to British governance, appears to be dead and buried following an event that unfolded in a motorway service area last week.

A bunch of young soldiers bumped into Tommy Robinson, the celebrity British patriot, anti-Islam and free-speech activist/far-right criminal neo-fascist racist scum (delete as appropriate), and proceeded to take selfies with him which went viral in the media. The Muslim Council of Britain (yes, we have one) complained to the Army which immediately disciplined all of the soldiers, discharging one, and confiscating their mobile phones... for taking photos.
As a working class lad, Robinson is a vociferous supporter and hero of our rank and file troops. It was the 2009 incident in his hometown, when returning British soldiers were spat upon and abused by Luton’s Muslim gangs, that set him off on his exposure of Islam-inspired atrocities within UK. The Muslim Council of Britain, on the other hand, signed a declaration, also in 2009, that armed forces including British troops are legitimate targets for bombings. Major-General Rupert Jones, who will soon become Standing Joint Force Commander, has chosen to support the latter. Oh dear.
Britain’s defence has become a sick joke. Earlier this year, the Army mounted a new “inclusive” campaign aimed at recruiting Muslims, homosexuals and “transgenders” into the Army, reassuring recruits that they can have boyfriends, cry if they want to, and that Muslims can break off for prayer on the battlefield. If this had been official policy in 1914 and 1939, today’s map of Europe might look rather different. Like all Britain’s institutions – government, education, religion, police, judiciary – the military has been infiltrated by New World Order-ists pursuing their insidious goal to destroy Western civilisation. So forget any notion of a new crusade. Civil war and Caliphate, here we come. And beware of whom you selfie with.
Nigel Pike