Warning: Pot-smoking may not alter your sexuality  


Many years ago I saw a 1950s movie about a boy who committed suicide because he learned that his sister smoked marijuana. For the remainder of the movie the sister kept hearing voices in her head calling her a “kid killer”.

I had seen the movie with a pot-smoking friend of mine and every time I ran into him after that I would begin yelling: “Kid killer. Kid Killer. Kid killer.”
Then that intellectual giant Ronald Reagan became president and someone from his administration said that smoking pot causes homosexuality. Since I always found my attraction to women to be a major distraction in my life, I began excessively smoking pot in the hope that it would make me gay. After failing miserably in achieving that goal I concluded that all this talk about the benefits of smoking pot were just lies invented by the “fake news media”.
Even worse, after learning that I was smoking pot, my parents, my uncle, four of my cousins and my dog all committed suicide. Thus marijuana smokers are no better than mass murderers and they should all be executed!
Eric Bahrt
Chiang Mai