The US constitution didn’t anticipate a crook like Trump


“Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” So says the United States constitution.

George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and others at the Constitutional Convention never envisioned that American citizens would betray their country without being in the service of a foreign enemy.
Despite this, Donald Trump is trapped. He understands that he and his family members are going to lose a lot of money – and may even go to prison. 
Of course, there is the question of if he is acting as a foreign agent for Vladimir Putin and Russia (not formally our Enemy), but at this point we are beyond even that. 
No matter the constitutional definition, Donald Trump is perpetrating treason, and needs to be stopped. Since taking office, Trump has sought to destroy US democratic institutions. He has worked to undermine our international alliances, weakening our national security. In recent weeks, he has been making announcements specifically designed to hurt the stock market. The subtext is: If I am going to be suffer, so are you. And together with the interest-rate ideologue that he appointed at the Fed, Jerome Powell, he is succeeding. Trump and Powell have already broken the market. Next, they are going to break the economy – force it into a recession.
The future is unpredictable. But one thing is clear: The Trump presidency represents a 100-year low point. He will be savaged by history. So too will his enablers, the Republican Party.
The party of misogynists, racists, neo-nazis, neo-Confederates, fanatical Christian true believers and supporters of dictatorship should be destroyed. Given the damage it is doing to America, this is certainly possible in 2020. Instead, a new and truly enlightened second major party should be established (a redo of Teddy Roosevelt’s Progressive Party?), to form an opposition to the centrist Democrats. Such a structure would prepare the country to adequately address the mammoth challenges that we now face.
Roland Watson