A blast of arrogance and hypocrisy from the Chinese embassy


Re: “China objects to letter from Taiwan’s “Foreign Ministry”, Letters, January 26-27.

Who the hell do these people at the Chinese embassy think they are, issuing an order to The Nation to “act in strict accordance” with the One China principle? They should reflect that Thailand is an independent nation, and unlike the vicious totalitarian Chinese regime, has a relatively free press. They might also reflect that if Thailand were to exercise the Orwellian controls on free speech that prevail in China, their pompous and arrogant letter would not have got past The Nation’s editors.
And how about this for blatant hypocrisy? The embassy letter claims that the One China policy has been “enshrined” in a United Nations resolution. Yet in July 2016, when the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea ruled against China’s ludicrous territorial claims in the South China Sea, China replied that the ruling was “nothing more than a piece of waste paper” – rather like the Basic Law of Hong Kong which China is breaching on a weekly basis.
Taiwan, like Thailand, is an independent sovereign state, so China – get used to the idea. And while you’re at it, cease your occupation of Tibet, release the incarcerated Uighurs from your Xinjiang gulags, and make an effort to join the rest of the human race.
Nigel Pike
Phang Nga