A simplistic and emotional view of Israeli-Palestinian conflict 


Re: “A courageous leader taking lone stand against Israel’s evils”, Have Your Say, February 1.

Some of HHB’S letters are emotional rants of one kind or another, devoid of any intellectual substance. This is another such letter. You, HHB, are complicit in Hamas propaganda and therefore you have Palestinian blood on your hands. The frequent uprisings are strictly for the gullible liberal media and people like yourself. 
You praise the prime minister of Malaysia, but you did not notice the alarming spike in terrorist activity in south Thailand after a visit in which he claimed the cause was injustice. Where is the injustice? That is utter nonsense! There are many marginalised communities around the world and they don’t go around murdering innocent civilians. I suggest, as a starting point, you read up on the objectives of Islam. 
Alf Haupt