On the voyage of life, choose your crewmates carefully

SUNDAY, APRIL 14, 2019

Atheists and agnostics are pretty much in the same boat.

Sailing in the opposite direction are boats filled with people who believe things like this: Sacred underwear protects believers from fire and speeding bullets. The Prophet travelled between two cities on a miniature flying horse. Bread can turn into human flesh after it is swallowed. A holy one climbed a mountain and could see the whole Earth from the mountain peak. Each human being contains many alien spirits that were trapped in volcanoes by hydrogen bombs. A righteous man can control his wife’s access to eternal paradise. Virgins await suicide bombers in Heaven. Believers can be bitten by poisonous snakes without being harmed.
This is not to mention what believers think about the stuff that should or should not happen between their thighs.
Which boat would you choose?
A Bangkok Atheist