The lies started with “Brentrance” in 1972


Re: “Pity poor democracy, kidnapped and tortured by little Englanders”, Have Your Say, yesterday.

I regret that my letter of March 30 goaded Dr Frank out of his torpor to despoil this page yet again with a blast of barely intelligible hate flatulence, but he is right on one point – the readers may be “fed up with a beast that has been prodded, poked and carved to the point of near exhaustion”. So I will confine myself to just one massive issue which has so far escaped debate. 
Contrary to popular belief, the British people never voted to join the EU (formerly known as the EEC). The purpose of the 1975 referendum on EEC membership was to obtain retrospective assent to a decision that had already been implemented on January 22, 1972, when Prime Minister Edward Heath signed the Treaty of Brussels, by which UK acceded to the Treaty of Rome. Dr Frank flatulates that “the capering Brexiteers have sold their fantasy on a patently false prospectus”. False prospectus? Allow me to remind him of the most patently false, deceitful and treasonous prospectus of all. I was there at the time and witnessed it. 
In the lead-up to the 1975 referendum, voters were told officially and solemnly by the political parties that the British parliament would lose none of its effective power, and would be able to veto anything it did not like. This was a filthy lie. Six months after the referendum, when the first EEC veto in reverse was made against UK, the truth was laid bare and the public discovered that direct elections to a supra-national European parliament were already implicit in the Treaty of Rome (“a uniform procedure in all member states”) and that “the Law of Community prevails over the law of the UK”. We were told that everyone should have known it all along. Not a word about this had been uttered or written in the pamphlets that were distributed throughout the nation. 
A few patriotic politicians, notably Peter Shore MP (Labour) and Enoch Powell (Ulster Unionist) had tried in vain to warn people that Britain was about to lose sovereignty, but they were scorned and ridiculed. We were told that if that ever happened, it would be generations away. Despite the exposure of this mendacity, we were never given a chance at a second referendum. 
Fast forward to 2019 and there have been two general elections, one referendum and two parliamentary votes in which the people and parliament voted to leave the EU, and yet the globalists are blocking it and howling for yet another referendum. If that’s democracy, my name is Dr Frank – which it isn’t. 
Nigel Pike 
Phang Nga