13 injured in van crash in Mahasarakham


A van carrying New Year holidaymakers back to Bangkok fell into a road ditch in Mahasarakham early on Wednesday, injuring the driver and 12 passengers, police said.

Police said the accident happened at 2.30am on a main road in Tambon Huay Eng in Mahasarakham’s Muang district.

13 injured in van crash in Mahasarakham
The driver and passengers suffered from chest pains and bruises, and were sent to the Maharsakham Hospital.
Passengers said they hired the van to take them from Kalasin to Bangkok and left Kalasin at 8pm. At the time of the accident, most passengers were asleep.
Police believe the driver dozed off, causing the van to drive into the ditch.

13 injured in van crash in Mahasarakham