Army officer killed in Pattani blast

TUESDAY, JULY 14, 2020

An Army officer was killed in a bomb blast in Pattani province this morning (July 14), leading provincial chief of the special task force Maj-General Piyapong Wongchan to issue orders blocking roads and passages in the vicinity to prevent another incident.

An explosives ordnance disposal team, which was dispatched to secure the area after the blast, found the shrapnel-ridden body of officer Mujarintee Srikaew on the ground two metres away from the explosion. 
An investigation revealed that six soldiers were on patrol in the area to make it safe for schoolteachers to travel through when a group of insurgents triggered a detonator. The five-kilogram bomb that was hidden in the ground exploded, instantly killing the officer.
Pattani police chief Pol Maj-General Jirawat Payuntham said the soldiers normally arrive every day to secure the area. The insurgents might have kept a tab on their movements before hiding the bomb there and later detonating it.